Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First Six Weeks of Otis

These past six weeks have flown by with the holidays and my birthday coming this weekend, it's all been a crazy blur.  Tony was able to take the first week of Otis' (outside of the womb) life off work.  My mom stayed with us for a few days following Tony's return to work, which was a huge help.  Life is challenging and extremely rewarding.  Otis is starting to smile while awake, it's the most incredible smile!

Having a newborn is tough, I really had no idea how tough.  The past six weeks have been the most difficult and most beautiful times.  My nights consist of a couple hour stretches of sleep with an hour to two hours of awake time (changing Otis, feeding Otis, burping Otis, getting Otis to go back to sleep).  Some nights are more difficult than others and just when I think he's on some kind of "schedule," he proves me wrong.  I've had a few nights and mornings when crying is the only thing I can do.  I absolutely love Otis and he's still the most beautiful creature I've laid my eyes on. 

As of today, Otis weighs 8lbs. 13oz., almost two pounds over his birth weight.  Not sure how long he is, but he's definitely grown!!!!

Here are some highlights from the past six weeks...

Week 1 (December 8-14)
Just a minute or two after Otis was born

Grandma Marsha & Otis

Nonni Bev & Otis

Gramma Debbie & Otis

Cousin Yona & Otis

Uncle Randy & Otis

Grandpa Randy, Grandma Marsha & Otis

Otis' First Restaurant Outing

Otis' First Sponge Bath

Otis' Little Feet

Lacy & Otis

Week 2 (December 15-21)

Baby Manicure

Week 3 (December 22-28)

Gelsey, Xander, Melissa, Dylan, Melanie & Otis
Tony, Melanie, Nonni Bev & Otis

Auntie Nancy & Otis

Melanie, Nonni Bev and Otis

Week 4 (December 29-January 4)

Babs & Otis

Week 5 (January 5-11)

Grandpa Randy, Grandma Marsha & Otis
Scot & Otis
Nonni Bev & Otis

Week 6 (January 12-18)

Auntie Molly & Otis

Auntie Xochitl & Otis

Baby Pictures of Otis' Parents
Baby Melanie

Baby Melanie

Baby Tony - We're in the process of hunting down an earlier one


  1. Thanks for sharing the family pictures. You all are so blessed to have each other.

    So happy for you...

  2. Love all the pics. LOVE the baby pics of the parents. Too cute. Glad things are going well. Totally okay to cry. I remember how overwhelmed with beauty and emotion we were. Still are some days. Lots of love to you all!

  3. Oh wow, this brings me back to Liam's first weeks. It *is* the frickin' hardest job ever, that's for sure! There's a conspiracy of silence around that, as you are discovering! ;)

    It gets easier once he figures out the difference between night and day, which for most babies is around 3 months. In the mean time, you never know what they're gonna throw atcha. Some advice: Read up on various baby sleep philosophies. They can help you train him how to sleep better/longer. Email me if you want some titles to check out.

    IMO, so many years of all-night partying was excellent preparation for the sleep you are going to lose now.

    And O M G !!! His feet are A D O R A B L E !!! Those toes! I want to nibble demz! NomNomNomNomNom!!

    Let me know any time if you have questions or anything about rearing that strapping young lad. I work for the provincial organization that sets the standards of maternal and newborn care in our health care system, I have a sister who is an OB/Gyn, a sister-in-law who is a midwife, and a 14 month-old of my own, so I can probably help! :)

  4. Thank for sharing those beautiful pics!! I am so overjoyed for you guys:))
    I'll never forget those newborn days tho, when your hormones kind of lead to tears. Just remember to take turns with baby when he gets fussy. Two parents plus one fussy baby equals tension and tears. it's ok to walk away and take a breather.. Geeezus you need it!
    We love you guys!! Hugs and kisses to you and Otis! :)

  5. Babies cry a lot! You all look great, happy, and healthy. The most amazing thing about this new stage in your lives is how constantly changing everything is, and will continue to change! It's a new pace, one that you are not much in charge of. Never hesitate to give a ring, even if you just want someone to remind you that everything is a phase and will soon change... Love, Cricket 510.289.6316.

  6. and finding the time to write all this,your amazing mel, kinda like wonder woman ;)thanks for sharing these beautiful moments with us
    smoochies to you, tony and baby Otis

  7. Fabulous shots. I had a great time visiting and look forward to the next round of Otis and pie!

  8. Just adorable!! He's so precious, Mel!! Wish I was there to hold him, too. You both did good, real good. It's such a wonderful experience being a parent, enjoy it, it goes by too fast. I cannot believe my babies are 18 and 13!! Can you believe that lil guy at your mom's house when Tara had her baby shower for Thomas J is now 18! Scary. Thank you so much for keeping us updated, geez, not like you have the time, right? haha.
    ((huggies)) xoxo

  9. Thank you for sharing such an intimate time in your lives together as a family! Much love to all of you as you navigate this new time in your life. lovelove, esb
    P.S. The best piece of advice that my sister gave to me (she has a 7 and 10 year old) is to sleep as much as possible, regardless of time of day. Oh -- ad she used the ol' cabbage leaf method for when she was ready to stop nursing. As me if you want more details.... love, love, esb
