Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Final Stretch

As of today, our baby is considered full term, (thirty seven weeks). Which means if the baby were to arrive today, he/she would be just fine. I'm still feeling really good, a little more tired. Doing simple chores around the house make me need to take breaks after a short period of time. I'm still getting a lot of sleep at night, with minimal interruption. I'm taking advantage of it while I can!

With Xochitl's help, the baby's room is painted. My parents were here last weekend, they were a huge help in getting projects done around the house, including getting the baby's room ready. I'm feeling much better prepared for our baby's arrival. There are very few items left on the list of what we'll need for the first six weeks.
Tony and I have been attending hypnobirthing classes, we have one more next Tuesday. Tony is my birth companion, so it will be up to him to give me hypnosis prompts while I'm in labor. Our hypnobirthing instructor has been amazing and she is very patient with us as we're sometimes not the best students when it comes to homework.

Last weekend a group of about twenty women gathered at our house for my Mother Blessing. Coordinated by Lacie, with help from Jane, it was a lovely night! All the women brought a bead for me. All of the beads are being strung together for me to bring with me to the birth center when I go into labor. This will provide me with support from many wonderful women on our baby's birthing day!

Last month a group of about eighty of our friends and family members gathered in Howarth Park in Santa Rosa for our baby's welcome hootenanny party. Complete with an Aztec Blessing Ceremony (thanks to Nena and Freddy Sanchez) and performances by Jenny Robinson, Jeni Fujita (with George Cochrane) and two dj sets by Sig and Xochitl. A truly magnificent day with yummy food in abundance!

Tony and I are settling in nicely to our new house, it's been just over a month and a half. Still feels a little bit like a dream as we both keep talking about just how much we LOVE it! We still have some projects to complete and decorating to do, but for the most part we're settled in.

Probably won't be posting another blog update until after our baby arrives. So until then...

~melanie (and Tony).