Monday, September 20, 2010

New Jobs, New House, New Trimester

Last Thursday, I entered the third trimester and I believe my belly has increased by almost double since then. My belly is big enough now that I can give the baby light squeezes, which I do on a regular basis. I always thought being able to feel a baby moving inside would be creepy and alien, but it's way cooler than I anticipated, I find it reassuring and fascinating.

I've been asked by multiple people if we're registered anywhere for our baby needs. The registry is listed in our baby hootenanny invite, but maybe it's just too buried. Anyway, here it is:

Deposit A Gift:

If you're wanting information about our welcome baby party on October 17th, it can be found on the Deposit A Gift site, under "Event Details" or in the last post on our blog.

Speaking of our registry....
Someone(s) bought our baby their infant car seat and had it sent to our apartment. We have no idea who it came from. Thank you very much to whoever sent it, please let us know who you are so we can properly thank you.

Last Thursday we also signed official loan docs. Our mortgage broker says we're set for funding tomorrow or Wednesday. We'll be getting the keys to our new house on Wednesday or Thursday. I'll spend Thursday and Friday cleaning the house in preparation for our big move on Saturday. So far we haven't received many positive responses for folks being available to help on Saturday, we're sure it will work out though. People are super busy these days, which we totally understand. We have large pieces of furniture that all need to be moved on Saturday, in five different locations. At least all five of those locations are within 45 minutes of our house!

Tony started his job at Whole Foods about a week and a half ago, so far he's loving it! Turns out Whole Foods is a great company to work for. I worked my last day for the landscape architect last Wednesday and am so relieved to be working full time from home now.

We went to an exceptionally beautiful wedding in Mendocino County on Saturday. Congratulations Matt and Leila Madrone! Their ceremony was genuine, heartfelt and very emotional. Still feeling extremely honored to have been present. Wow!!!!

I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that we need to take care of before our baby arrives, kind of makes my head swim...wish us luck!

~melanie (and tony).


  1. The car seat was from me. It was meant to come with a gift tag that said:

    "I hope this spoon-like contraption works well at scooping up and safely carrying your new baby-unit. Love you both lots and I'm so excited to meet the new Stumbaugh!! :) :)"

    Love, George

  2. Awww Mel you look so beautiful! Good luck with getting all your stuff done, the universe will provide as always. Love you guys!

  3. Congrats all around for all your new developments! So glad to hear you guys got the house. :)

    I used to work for WFM, and it's a fantastic place to work for sure! All sorts of awesome perks working there - I never ate so well.

  4. Melanie -- I just keep thinking about our conversation the last time that I saw you (ASR party MMMMmmmmmonths back) and telling you that I hoped you'd be a mommy some day because you'd be so fab. at it :) And of course Tony an awesome loving papa too. I'm excited to see you next month, I'll be coaching at a soccer tournament this weekend so sorry that I can't help out. Love yah both -Liz

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Look how awesome you look!! You're surely glowing, sweetie. Being pregnant is a pretty incredible thing. How we can create a life, awesome how our bodies transform and then give birth to a lil' human that our body incubated for 9 months, wow. Wish I lived closer (700+ miles can be a problem haha) to see you and help out. I wish all the best for you three and cannot wait to see your new bundle ... which will be here in the blink of an eye!

    Congratulations on the new house, how super exciting!! ☺☺

    Take care, hon

  7. HEYYYY I was checking out your registry and saw your due date ... that's when Tyler was born! He'll be 18 when your bundle arrives, wow, that just aged me :p

    Love ya girlie.

  8. So excited for you, mama!!! You look gorgeous. Good luck with the move -- I wish we could help.


  9. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
