Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So long, and thanks for all the fish......

As the the final sun sets over the Peruvian coastline, our two month extravaganza finally comes to a close. Our lasy days here we have been killing alot of time and eating scrumptious food. Well, I have been eating well, Melanie is dreaming of eating gallons of cooked chard. We had dinner last night at Astrid y Gaston, one of the most famous restaurants here in Peru. ww.astridygaston.com

Everything about the meal was top notch. Excellent service with dudes in suits, heavy plates and flatware, and 5 different types of home-made bread with three different dipping sauces. Melanie even got an armed escort to the lieu. She had a house salad with avocado and thinly sliced asparagus that was perfectly moist and seasoned well. She also had a risotto made for her that wasn´t on the menu, veggies and cream. I had the triple sashimi appetizer, little cuts of fish in three different spicy sauces. For dinner I was supposed to have blue marlin, but they ran out and I had some other giant ocean fish instead with jumbo gulf prawns cooked in a tangy bbq sauce with a chili mandarin risotto with potato. We accidentally didn´t bring all of our cash and were keeping our fingers crossed about the bill total, in hopes we wouldn´t have to run 15 block back to our hotel for more cash. It worked out, and was a great meal to have on our last night out.

In a way, our brains are already home. We´ve been checking out craiglist for jobs and future houses, talking about the possibilities. Our summer calendars are already starting to fill up with events, and now that we will be positioned in the north bay closer to family, it doesn´t look like it will slow down any time soon. But we are looking forward to being closer to most of you (sorry Santa Cruz friends), and hope we will have easy adjustment to the new (yet old for me) surroundings.

This trip has been a blast, and we are glad to know that we conquered yet another continent. Next stop, Antarctica! Not really, anybody who knows Melanie well enough knows that she would not endure that kind of cold.

Much love to all of you, thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon.

TnM inc.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Enjoyed your journey immensely!! I cannot believe it's been 2 months already ... another notch on your guys' belts that's for sure! Glad your travels went well and talk about the tales you have within your memories to talk of for years to come.

    Thanks for all the words and pictures you have shared throughout your days there ... welcome home.

